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December 14, 2006

 National Journal still catching up to the blogosphere

Hotline editor John Mercurio has a solid column today about how Tom Delay's redistricting not only didn't do much for the Texas GOP, but his anti-immigration policies may have seriously wounded state Republicans with Latinos--threatening the Red dominance of the state (are you listening, Mickey?).

But Mercurio, otherwise an excellent reporter, really trips up in one place, revealing where the MSM still hasn't figured blogs out. Mercurio writes:

A small sampling of the comments, all posted anonymously on "What a magnificently, terrifically boring and irrelevant blog. Honestly, who on earth cares what you have to say?" wrote one person. "The fact that you are trying to keep your name alive by starting a stupid blog is actually kind of pathetic and sad. Please just go away," wrote another. "Tom, you corrupted the conservative cause and brought disgrace to our party. We can never forgive you for that. Please crawl back into your hole."

"You left Congress disgracefully and you want people to take you seriously?" a fourth wrote. "You should be in prison you assclown, piss off Tom."

All absolutely accurate sentiments--but none of them come from Delay's actual blog. Instead, they come from what appears to be a satire site.

Note to MSM: it always helps to look at the URL.

UPDATE: Okay, maybe the egg's on my face: the satire site itself might be a cached copy of the original Delay site, after the Delay-nics pulled it down. If so, does that mean that I can get a job with the New York Times? Back to paper-grading....


What?? *No way* is that a snapshot of Delay's actual blog. Satire through-and-through. You were right the first time!

Posted by: Marty at December 15, 2006 10:35 AM

greetings, jonathan,

as the 'official tom delay original site cacher' i would like to thank you correcting the story with the 'update'...

you only qualify for the new york times job if tom called you up and told you to lie for him...just ask judy!



Posted by: james risser at December 15, 2006 05:09 PM
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