April 05, 2008

 The Lisbon primary

I've been in Lisbon the past couple of days at the meeting of the International Society for the Study of Drug Policy. That explains the light blogging. I'll be home Sunday night.

In the meantime, a political report. I flew to Lisbon (via London) wearing an Obama lapel button. As the passport clerk at the airport stamped my papers, he said "Do you think he can make it?" When I got into a cab, the taxi driver asked if I had a second button on hand, because his son had been asking for one. (As I happened, I did have a spare, and gave up the one I was wearing.) Button #2 went to another taxi driver the next evening.

So I'd say Obama figures to do well in the Lisbon primary. Reaction among my fellow international drug policy colleagues was comparably enthusiastic. There seems to be a strong dsire on the part of many people who live outside the US to have, once again, a U.S. President they can admire. Let's just hope Obama finds equal support in Pennsylvania.

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