Barack Obama tunes his fiddle to the minor key of Central Pennsylvania. Mighty pretty tune.
And note that Obama doesn't appeal to that mythical character "Joe Six-Pack," who, in the minds of campaign consultants and reporters, cares only about his paycheck. Obama doesn't get much of a cheer for talking about global warming. But when he promises to close down Guantanamo and restore habeas corpus, and say "You'll have a President who as taught the Constitution, who believes in the Constitution, who will obey the Constitution of the United States of America," the crowd is on its feet, cheering.
You can get 5 1/2-1 betting on Obama to win Pennsylvania. Those sound like attractive odds to me. He just might pull a surprise.
Depressingly, the NYT reporter thinks that Obama has "sheathed" his oratorical sword, just because he's speaking more directly to the needs of working folks. "A thrill these talks are not," he complains. The Harrisburgers seem to disagree, and I'm with them. Watch the video and see which side you're on.
Update and correction: The stricken-through sentence from Powell's article referred to Hillary Clinton's speeches, not Barack Obama's. My apologies to Mr. Powell.
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