February 13, 2008

 John McCain Gets a Dunce Cap

So now John McCain is attacking Barack Obama for not offering enough policy specifics in his campaign. As Jonathan Chait mentions, this is laughable given that McCain himself admits that he knows nothing about economic policy and that his entire campaign is tantamount to, "vote for me--I was a POW."

Perhaps the snarkier response is simply to say, "Senator McCain, you may be too old to realize this, but there's a thing called the internet. Barack Obama has a website with all of his policy proposals, and maybe you can get some of your younger staffers to read it for you and tell you what's in it."

But most substantively, just compare Obama's and McCain's websites for substance. Take environmental policy, something about which I and my co-bloggers know somethings about. It's not even close: McCain has a few paragraphs of cliched boilerplate and a video. Obama has a series of very specific proposals followed up with two relatively comprehensive PDFs on both energy policy and the environment--which are closely linked (as Obama seems to recognize and McCain doesn't). McCain actually has nothing on energy.

So maybe the best overall response to the senior Senator from Arizona is to shut his damned mouth and do his homework.

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