Adapting to Climate Shocks in LDC Cities

The introduction of Charter Cities in the developing world could offer several benefits.  In this piece, Brandon Fuller and I explore how such new cities will help individuals to protect themselves from new climate risks.   In LDC cities today, IBM is selling “Command Centers” to urban mayors to help them track real time risks.  In this other piece, I argue that localized Twitter searches are a more cost effective approach to aggregating and sharing information than IBM’s expensive “command and control” system.  On the topic of coping with heat waves, Richard Green celebrates good design in India.

Author: Matthew E. Kahn

Professor of Economics at UCLA.

One thought on “Adapting to Climate Shocks in LDC Cities”

  1. Unfortunately, I just had the displeasure of reading your article in the CSM about transfer students being bad for UCLA. The website didn’t allow for comments so I had to come here to complain. The article was stupid, insensitive, and extremely short sighted. It makes me regret supporting you in the past and temporarily ashamed of being a Bruin. Your claims were built on silly and false assumptions and you provided no research to back it up. Transfers have just as much loyalty, and are at least as likely to succeed after graduating. Why? Because they often have more life experience then most four year students who have been taking the same honors/AP 4.0 track since middle school. They usually came from more difficult upbringings and either had to work or overcome other obstacles to get there. Furthermore, they provide diversity to the school, which all research shows helps everyone in the classroom. It gives people a chance to get a great education who otherwise wouldn’t (especially with recent fee hikes) and it is very cost effective for the state. And the idea that they are less likely to give back to the community is preposterous. If you want to know why UCLA doesn’t get more alumni support it is because their alumni and career services are close to nonexistent. Once you graduate, the only time you hear from them again is when they’re begging for money. Some of the smartest and most successful students I knew were transfer students. Maybe you should stick to environmental policy from now on.

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