Credit Where It’s Due

Did everyone see that our colleague Steven Teles received one of David Brooks’s Sidney Awards for his “mind-altering” (I am quoting) National Affairs essay on kludges? So far as I know, the award means only that the recipient gets attention in Brooks’s column; but anything which helps the wider world to read the wisdom of the Reality-Based Community must be worth having.

Congratulations, comrade!

Author: Kelly Kleiman

Kelly Kleiman is a freelance writer on the arts, feminism, travel and social justice. Her reportage and essays have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Christian Science Monitor, among other dailies; in magazines, including In These Times and Dance; in the alternative press; on the BBC; and on Chicago Public Radio, where she’s one of the “Dueling Critics” and a contributor to the Onstage Backstage theater blog. She is also a consultant to charities and editor and publisher of The Nonprofiteer, a blog about charity, philanthropy and nonprofit management. She holds undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Chicago.

4 thoughts on “Credit Where It’s Due”

  1. Steve’s discussion of the Kludge deserves to be promulgated as widely as possible until “Kludge” is a household word and is regularly asked about in presidential debates and such. This is a step in the right direction.

    BTW, the RBC loads differently on different platforms. On Internet Explorer, Don’s New Years Day Menu is the most recent entry; on the iPhone, the most recent entry is Keith’s post on the helicopter parent from yesterday. Google Chrome has this most recent post which the others lack. Maybe this has something to do with different servers for Google Chrome, for IE, and for mobile devices?

    1. Seconded. That piece continues to strike this layman as one of the most astute pieces of commentary I’ve read.

    2. @Ed Whitney: I own a controlling stake in iPhone, and so my posts are always first there. Seriously, we are going to soon make a second run at upgrading the site (after our false start earlier in 2013) which we hope will fix these problems…or your money back.

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