Illicit Tobacco and Nicotine Markets

Colombia loses iconic cigarette as Philip Morris International packs up and goes.
PMI blamed the closing of its factories and the end of Pielroja on another iconic element of Colombian culture: contraband.

New report exposes continued impact of illicit tobacco trade in the European Union. The trade in black market cigarettes cost member states a total of €10 billion ($11.23 billion) in lost tax revenues in 2018.

Illicit cigarette factory discovered in Belgium.
The packaging indicated that the products were destined for Greek, Turkish and British markets. The number of cigarettes found was equivalent to over a million packs and the worth of the scheme was estimated at €6 million.

Manitoba man caught with thousands of contraband cigarettes.
In relation to the seized tobacco, Manitoba stood to lose $37,130.72 in tax revenue if these products had been sold. If convicted, the accused is subject to a triple tax penalty of $111,392.16.

One thought on “Illicit Tobacco and Nicotine Markets”

  1. “The trade in black market cigarettes cost member states a total of €10 billion ($11.23 billion) in lost tax revenues in 2018.”

    I would say, rather, that honest smokers got ripped off for billions by their governments.

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