As of today (7 October) 76 signatories have ratified the Paris Agreement, well over the 55 required. The European Union ratified on October 5th, along with seven of its member states (Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Malta, Portugal and Slovakia). Counting just these seven, that takes the percentage of declared emissions comfortably over the 55% required. The Agreement will therefore enter into force on November 4th, in time for the next assembly of the parties to the framework Rio treaty in Marrakesh, and also for the US elections.
This news will not change anybody’s assessment of the value of the Agreement. If it’s well-meaning hot air, entry ino force does not make it effective. But if like me you think it is an epochal achievement, entry into force - with nearly unprecedented speed, only the original UN Charter having been faster - is a historic moment.
Now for the work.
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