I’m writing this lest some political scientists attending the American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting—and other random readers living near DC—miss an opportunity to see my work simultaneously celebrated and torn to shreds: an “Author Meets Critics” panel on Hume’s Politics, this coming Saturday, August 30, at 9:30 in the Marriot Wardman Park’s Maryland B room. (I suspect you’re technically supposed to register for the conference in order to attend. I also suspect that no Homeland Security agents will be enforcing that in the case of this panel.)
For the occasion, Tom Merrill of American University assembled a bunch of people who like the book but who also disagree with it sharply and won’t be afraid to say so: Russell Hardin of NYU, Emily Nacol of Vanderbilt, Michael Frazer of Harvard, and himself. So those who enjoy a good argument as much as I do won’t be disappointed.
NCGatSmFcts says
Well, I hope you have a good time. I will have to try to track down the book, it sounds interesting. I am not much for philosophy but I need to exercise my brain and I can't find anyone to play poker.
Apropos of nothing, I think the reason more people don't comment has to do with the annoying sign-in system, which logs you out every time you switch posts. Which is funny, because I trust you guys, meanwhile I *can't* logout of a bunch of other sketchy sites.