RBC Blogroll Update: Adding Three Blogs That Are Definitely Worth Your Time

We’ve updated the blogroll to eliminate a few defunct blogs and update the addresses of those that have taken the Boeing (e.g., Jonathan Bernstein and The Volokh Conspiracy).

We’ve also added three blogs that should have been there long ago:

The Belgravia Dispatch features Gregory Djerejian’s analysis of global politics, finance and diplomacy. He tends to post long pieces intermittently rather than give a “quick take per day”, and it’s always worth the wait.

Horizons (née Smartypants) features Nancy LeTourneau’s incisive analysis of politics, policy and culture. Her posts are thought-provoking across the board but even moreso when they discuss race and racism.

The Incidental Economist is a team blog (chief editors Austin Frakt and Aaron Carroll) with essential health policy and health research insights. When a new medical study with policy implications comes out, this is the site which I visit first for smart analysis.

All three are worth your time. Please check them out.