Readers may have noticed some teething problems with our new comments system. No, Mark did not get fed up with the odd ill-mannered reader and erase everything. Our wonks are on it: sorry, patience!
By Michael O'Hare 463486
navarro says
i don't know if anyone else who comments here more or less regularly has felt this way but i've been staying away from the comments until you guys can decide what your final direction is going to be. i've felt that the comments here have been some of the best of any blog i read and the dearth of commenting since your change, first to disqus, then back to the original, and now to this have made my visits here more sporadic and forlorn. i hope everything comes together soon.
navarro says
is there a preview function or a way to edit one's own comments if you login with either wordpress or intensedebate?
MobiusKlein says
Uh, don't put your wonks on it - that's a job for nerds.
James Wimberley says
I quite agree. My long fingernails get stuck in the keyboard.
John G says
I guess they'll come along. Better now than a week ago.
It would be good if one could get from the end of an article to the start of the next one (in either direction, older or newer) rather than having to go back to the home page and scroll down to the one to be read.
I wonder if Keith H is enjoying writing ex cathedra. I find I'm less likely to read his stuff now there are no comments. Anyone else having that reaction to his pulling up the ladder after Himself has spoken?
navarro says
as i said in a comment during the brief time of disqus commenting, i have no time to read a blogger who refuses to accept either criticism or praise. dr. humphrey's posts without comments get no traffic from me.