
  1. Ed Whitney says

    He carefully vetted his statement in front of an audience inside his own head, which responded with applause and approval. It sure sounded like an unanswerable zinger which would leave the opposition in a state of stunned silence; otherwise, he would not have said it out loud.

    • Barry says

      And back several years ago, he was the Reasonable Moderate Republican Politician Minister who Was Not Like Those Crazies.

      • J. Michael Neal says

        Not really. Huckabee was the genial, folksy Republican who was careful to act friendly in front of cameras and so the fact that he clearly had completely batshit ideas didn’t always come across. I don’t know anyone who was fooled by him, though I was kind of worried that low information types might be.

        • Anonymous says

          You are both wrong. Huckabee is the representative of the median religious right voter. He hates sexually active women, hates abortion, and hates gays.

          On the other hand, he thinks his party is way too close to Wall Street and isn’t reflexively against tax increases.

          Think a more extreme version of Ross Douthat.

          The thing is, the religious right isn’t large enough to elect a candidate, and the rest of the country thinks the religious right is crazy.

          • says

            Huckabee supported a few smallish tax increases, and supported property tax equalization, which did good things for our schools. As post-Reconstruction Republican governors go, he was no Win Rockefeller, but he was no Frank White, either.

            Not that I cared for the man-the first nastygram I got at my newspaper was over something I said about him-but had his points, and he visibly grew in office. Some rise to responsibility. It’s too bad he later shrank. I wouldn’t bet on him rising again.

  2. Timothy says

    I’m a little confused here - I thought the Official Fact-Based Progressive position was that women, and indeed also men and non-binary identified persons, do often have trouble controlling their libidos, especially trying to acheive complete repression, and so instead of a policy of abstinence-based sex ed we should have contraception and STD treatment education & access.

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