In which I examine the unity of mind and body

Over on the Nonprofiteer I consider the expression “pain in the ass” and its application to actual asses everywhere. The money graf:

So when you go home for the holidays and abruptly find yourself troubled by an injury you’d
thought long healed, look around the room: maybe it’s Mama and maybe it’s Uncle Jim, but I’ll
bet somebody familial is the cause. And if you notice a brother who seems to manifest a limp
every time he sees you, consider this: you might be the pain in the ass of which you’ve always


  1. Mike says

    Short post, but if inspired by the subject matter, well, these things can be distracting.

    I get an anal sphincter spasm related to my spinal syndrome that happens, not often, but too often, if you know what I mean. It’ll wake you from a deep sleep and keep you painfully awake until it’s calmed. During the day, it’s “I need to be excused…” until it’s all over. Medical cannabis helps keep it away, but try telling that to a judge.

    I do rather wish every judge who ever convicted anyone who was engaged in medical use was similarly afflicted daily, until told by their physician there is something that might help…

    Now that would truly be justice.

    • MikeM says

      Mike, your comment integrates two aspects of Kelly’s post: is her brother, who may be her very own PITA, trying to solve her (and your) problem in the State of Washington?

      • Mike says

        Well, I hope Mark’s advice contributes to a WA being roaring success and example for the rest of the nation. I don’t agree with everything he argues, so can understand the conclusion he may at times inflict a certain pain on those around him. Having been, and often still am even if by misadventure mostly these days, that person, I can relate and indulge in nonetheless thinking the best of others for their efforts — when done with the best of intentions.

        Unfortunately, I live nowhere near WA, so will only enjoy any benefits vicariously for now, being resident in a far more simple-minded state closer to the the esteemed author of this post. I remain hopeful that trickle-down effects will do more for this subject of conflict than they’ve done for the economies of millions of Americans.