Expert on comics that he is, all Demitasse wants for Christmas is one of those visors, like the one Cyclops wears, that would prevent him from injuring people by accident when he exerts his powers…
I’m with Demitasse…think I’ll stay home, safe away from the Black Friday melees. A cat could get hurt…and even might have to deploy his mystical powers in self-defense.
Used to be, there was a pretty good street band in Berzerkley by the name of Thoth, iirc. I wonder if they’re still around. Two guys wearing not much and it was mostly percussion, I think.
I’m with Demitasse…think I’ll stay home, safe away from the Black Friday melees. A cat could get hurt…and even might have to deploy his mystical powers in self-defense.
That cat doesn’t need a fancy visor. Just cover his eye with something yellow.
In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape Demitasse’s sight…
I don’t think that’s a mutant. Looks more like a cyborg.
I think he would look awesome with a skull and bones hat and an eye patch.
Darth Vader would be a natural at Halloween.
But with his rare blue fur, Demitasse needs the death ray to stop being turned into a Hermès handwarmer.
I like this use of the word “stop”, as if it were an ongoing process that must be arrested.
Someone must have bought their Transform power with the Cumulative advantage.
Hey — I played that game too!
Which edition?
Having thought about it, there are at least three superhero RPGs that use the same terminology: Champions; GURPS Supers; Mutants & Masterminds.
Harrumph. No idea what you-all are on about.
But that’s a great name for a cat. I assume, that is just cat red-eye, right? He doesn’t really have magic powers?
Branding consultants had the firm’s name shortened from the original Hermès Trismégiste.
Used to be, there was a pretty good street band in Berzerkley by the name of Thoth, iirc. I wonder if they’re still around. Two guys wearing not much and it was mostly percussion, I think.
All political-theorists’ cats should be named Pufendorf.
Are you sure you don’t mean Pufnstuf?
He must mean Le Chat-Bodin, or in Dutch Puf-en-Buits.