October 13th, 2013

measure_texture_new_02The Silver State has been unusually kind to A Measure of the Sin. At the Pollygrind Festival in Las Vegas this week, it won the Award for Most Thought-Provoking Film. Lead Actress Katie Groshong won the Award for Breakthrough Role.

And we got more Nevada love with an acceptance to the Laughlin International Film Festival.

Thank you Nevada and congratulations to everyone who labored for years on the film.

p.s. I have been repeatedly asked when the movie will be widely available, so let me speak from my prior experience as an executive producer (i.e., none). Here is what I know. Independent films are generally shown at festivals, and if they do well they have a shot at a distribution deal. As so many films are produced these days, such things can be hard to come by. But if something pans out for A Measure of the Sin and it becomes available on DVD or by streaming or (very unlikely) in wide cinema release, I will post that news here.

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One Response to “Nevada Loves A Measure of the Sin”

  1. James Wimberley says:

    The digital revolution has lowered the minimum cost of shooting a movie enormously. Nigerian filmmakers shoot slice-of-life dramas for a few thousand dollars, with distribution by CD. It costs Netflix hardly anything to add an indie movie to its catalogue; a few hundred downloads would pay for the storage. If Netflix won´t, perhaps an indie association could have a go.

    The cost bottleneck is still threatre distribution. When I last read anything about this, a changeover to digital distribution and projection is held up by a cost allocation problem. The extra expense (for digital projectors) is borne by the theatres, the savings (going from single-use chemical stock to reusable hard drives) accrue to the distributors.

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