November 6th, 2012

7 Responses to “True.”

  1. chipotle says:

    I’m a little appalled that Justice Ginsburg, a cancer patient, couldn’t find it in her to be a hero for all the medical cannabis patients in California and elsewhere and bring us back to Lochner-era jurisprudence from back in the day when this country was more awesome and less shitty.

  2. J. Michael Neal says:

    I had to wait in line a bit more than two hours in northeast Minneapolis this morning. My knees and hips aren’t really up for that anymore.

  3. Ohio Mom says:

    I don’t know why she didn’t retire when the going was good. If things don’t turn out so well tonight (Election Day), that’s a big empty spot somebody I really, really don’t like is going to get to name someone else to.

    There was a 20-minute line at my suburban polling place in the middle of the morning. I’ve never seen that before. I’m in Hamilton County, one of those places everything is supposed to hinge on.

    • NCG says:

      It was about 40 minutes in my Hollywood precinct at lunch time. That is down from the hour and a half in early evening (I think - could’ve been late morning, come to think of it) in 2008.

      But every other election, it’s a ghost town, more or less. So I think it’s a good sign.

      • navarro says:

        there was no line at my small city (25000+ population) in texas and it took about 5 minutes to vote. this was around 4 pm central time. my precinct went 75% for mccain last time 0_0

  4. Bruin Alum says:

    Apparently voting in NJ is a “catastrophe.” Voting rights coalition describes problems in NJ and other states

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