September 20th, 2012

How to dance gracefully on the grave your opponent has dug for himself.

5 Responses to “The President of 100%”

  1. Clark says:

    Very nicely done. I especially like that he focused purely on policy and the facts, and resisted the impulse to point out that the “moochers” pay a greater percentage of their income in total taxes than Mitt Romney did in the one year that he saw fit to release his taxes.

  2. Warren Terra says:

    But have you seen this version of Obama’s response (h/t Imani Gandy aka ABL, of her own site and Balloon Juice)

  3. Will says:

    Clark: generally agreed, although that would have been a fact as well.

  4. Allen K. says:

    Who was the guy visually set up as parallel to Obama? Obviously it should have been Mitt, but I suppose it was some Univision person?

  5. Clark says:

    Will, you’re right. My comment was - what’s the phrase - inelegantly stated. I meant that he focused on facts and numbers about people, without ever saying anything that might seem like a potshot against Romney. Why be seen as shooting at the other guy when the other guy’s doing such a good job of shooting off and shooting himself simultaneously?

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