September 23rd, 2012

At last!

Something that I’d really like to concentrate on in my second term is being in a much more constant conversation with the American people so that they can put pressure on Congress to help move some of these issues forward.

Sign me up.

11 Responses to “No more Mr. Nice Guy?”

  1. Dennis says:

    It’s about time!

  2. Anomalous says:

    Just imagine if he had tumbled to this brilliant strategy in say, 2009 when he actually had a theoretical majority.

  3. paul says:

    Oh, woe is us! oh, the violation of bipartisanship! How dare Obama be so uncivil as to suggest people put pressure on their elected representatives?!

  4. Ron E. says:

    Mostly worthless. Just get rid of the filibuster. Doing that would actually move issues forward.

    • Pamela D says:

      You wouldn’t even have to get rid of the filibuster. All you’d need to do is make senators actually *do* a filibuster (holding the senate floor and speaking night and day for the entire length of the filibuster,) instead of just making a threat to do so.

    • Ebenezer Scrooge says:

      Ron E. thinks more of Senate Democrats than I do. Although I admit that it would help with confirmations.

  5. ferd says:

    Sign me up, too. I’m ready to go to the streets, PEACEFULLY, big time.

  6. Seth says:

    Sure sounds nice, but it’s justPre-election posturing. After he’s reelected, it’ll be wall-to-wall Fiscal Cliff v. Grand Bargain.

  7. Tim says:

    Sorry to be the party pooper here but let’s remember that our (comparably excellent) President is in election mode. “Something that I’d really like to concentrate on…” doesn’t mean I promise to concentrate on… if re-elected. Keeping the base engaged is what he said he’d do in ’08. Remember him quoting FDR, “now make me do it”? I’ve been doing my part to to pressure my congress critters here in GA and I’ve got the brick wall marks on my forehead to prove it (I’d probably be in a coma if Lewis wasn’t my Representative). But something tells me that once re-elected he’s suddenly going to find it very important to not rock the boat too much lest he jeopardize the chances of the 2016 Democratic candidate.

    That said: will vote for him again; giving money to the campaigns; will staff phone banks for swing states; not ready to slide a halo over his head.

  8. Freeman says:

    Yeah Charlie Brown, Lucy won’t pull the ball away this time!

  9. KLG says:

    Echoing Tim and Seth, if anything the past 3+ years has taught us is this: Talk. Is. Cheap. Very cheap.

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