I doubt that Mitt Romney is really going to go for Bobby Jindal as his running-mate, but just in case here’s a sample of some of the Christian Right crap Louisiana students are going to be taught by schools using taxpayer money.
I doubt that Mitt Romney is really going to go for Bobby Jindal as his running-mate, but just in case here’s a sample of some of the Christian Right crap Louisiana students are going to be taught by schools using taxpayer money.
whoa, #14. they are anti-globalization. This might be the bain of Bobby’s chances.
But…But… Globalization is the precurser to The Rapture an ya gotta have The Rapture to get to Heaven. So they loves them some globalization and that Anti-Christ ’cause that’s the way ya get to Heaven. Right?
I personally think Mitt Romney is The Anti-Christ but don’t tell anybody ’cause if he don’t get elected (or selected) then how we gonna get to Heaven?
It’s really good to know that slave owners, the KKK and the Great Depression just get a bumb rap from those sneaky, evil libruls. And that painting of Satan is real cool too.
the great depression stuff is odd for LA, where criticizing the New Deal from the left has Long been the zeitgeist. They were probably the last confederate state to align republican. By party ID, i think they are still Dems, and the Senate slots are split.
if tax dollars go to piss christ then it should be constitutional for them to go to christ. so, if you want to stop vouchers just set up a muslin school. that should do the trick.
The largest charter school chain in the country happens to be owned by Muslim Turks — not that there’s anything wrong with Muslims from Turkey, just that there’s something wrong with privatizing the public school system.
I learned this and many other fun facts at Diane Ravitch’s blog (http://dianeravitch.net/). She is following what is happening in Louisiana very closely so if this story interests you, that’s where you want to go.
See, to me, this is the glory of privatizing the system. If Muslim Turks want a school that they are comfortable with, they can have one. If secularists want a school they are comfortable with, they can have one. If conservative Christians want a school they are comfortable with, they cna have one too.
Witha public, everyone-gets-the-same-thing system, only one group can get what they want. Now, admittedly, if you are in the group that gets what you want, other people getting what THEY want is probably upsetting.
I love it. Here we have an advocate for principle that The State should pick the religious education winners. Or maybe any old cult should get funded. Probably you haven’t thought this through yet.
I’m not sure how serious you are with that proposal. I’d say that it sounds good and might work well in some instances, but it falls apart once you consider people who don’t have the resources to set up a school of their own - they’re the only pagan family of Pitcairn descent in the village, or whatever - but can no longer find a decent public secular school, and instead must choose between indoctrination at the Fundamentalist Snake Handling Christian school or the Fundamentalist Objectivist school.
Just awesome. I went down the rabbit hole that Ohio Mom pointed to, and here is where I ended up:
I learned a new word, instead of “nonprofit” charter schools, they’re going to be getting “conprofit” charter schools.
Welcome to Sam Chevre’s glorious future. We just live in it.
Actually, I’m advocating that the state should NOT pick the religious education winners.
I’d love to hear an argument that the Prophet-and-Apostle Lucas “Light City Academy” is so both bad that it’s worse than the 5-times-as-expensive New Orleans Public School system pre-Katrina, and not so bad that students will actually enroll in an environment where there are lots of other schools in which they cna enroll.
“Actually, I’m advocating that the state should NOT pick the religious education winners.”
Actually, you ARE. It won’t take long before the inevitable scandals make it so.
As to your somewhat confused second paragraph, it appears that the way the officials are guarding against pesky initial quality judgments is to make it completely impossible to tell what the actual quality of the school (and its product) is. But those scandals will eventually force the hand of The State, and like everything else extremist conservatives advocate, it will be revealed as the inherent fraud you intended it to be in the first place.
In the meantime, actual children’s lives get wasted and derailed “learning” a lot of destructive antisocial bullshit not helpful to contributing in a productive way to a modern diversified and technologically evolving society. Weird how the religious like to eat their young.
The inevitable scandals are already well underway, if they haven’t already reached their inevitable conclusions. For example, from http://dianeravitch.net/2012/06/07/gulen-charters-in-the-news/ :
Three charter schools in Georgia affiliated with followers of Turkish cleric Fetullah Gulen defaulted on bonds and were subject to public audit. The audit revealed, according to the New York Times, that “the schools improperly granted hundreds of thousands of dollars in contracts to businesses and groups, many of them with ties to the Gulen movement.” The schools used public funds to purchase a variety of goods and services from organizations with ties to school officials and other Gulen followers. In some cases, bids were won by the organization that was not the low bidder.
Sorry-that second paragraph was apparently attacked by the eater of meaning. I’ll try again:
This “Light City Academy” seems unlikely to be a good school-although I really don’t know enough to be sure. (I’m known some weird people whose ability to fill out tax paperwork was limited who were excellent teachers.) But it’s part of a system with 100 schools, most of which are open-enrollment, and it’s cheap-less than $5000 per student per year. The New Orleans Schools, pre-Katrina, cost over $20,000 per student per year, and were notoriously bad. So it’s cheap, and students who don’t like it can leave easily, and it’s small; the only way it’s not an improvement is if it’s so bad that it’s worse than the pre-Katrina schools AND students stay in it.
This comment, though, goes to the core of the issue:
In the meantime, actual children’s lives get wasted and derailed “learning” a lot of destructive antisocial bullshit not helpful to contributing in a productive way to … society
And there is no consensus whatsoever on what exactly is destructive anti-social bullshit-whether it’s secularism, or Islam, or feminism, or Christianity, or Objectivism, or patriotism. So I understand that people who were used to only their views being taught may not like it that now other people’s views get taught as well, but I’m extremely unsympathetic.
And to “Ohio Mom”-a charter school had a contracting scandal. Horrors! No public school has ever had any issues with contracting, or hiring, being anything other than totally transparent.
This is deeply ironic given that the schools you celebrate exist largely to make sure that viewpoints strange to them do not get taught to their students - even such seemingly inoffensive concepts as Set Theory. Many people have an ideal of public education in which the students are taught to appreciate many different viewpoints. While some of these schools may be set up to focus on one viewpoint or subject while still teaching and celebrating others, many others are being set up specifically to ensure that no child’s mind is contaminated with Wrongthink. And once the only school in your area - or the only one your parents can send you to while maintaining their social acceptability - mandates that all students can learn nothing inconsistent with Holy Writ, you might come to understand why it’s not necessarily the people objecting to these twisted simulacra of schools who are closed-minded.
“And there is no consensus whatsoever on what exactly is destructive anti-social bullshit–whether it’s secularism, or Islam, or feminism, or Christianity, or Objectivism, or patriotism. So I understand that people who were used to only their views being taught may not like it that now other people’s views get taught as well, but I’m extremely unsympathetic.”
The intense nihilism apparent in this statement is… interesting. I think we’ll have to differ on this very large issue. I’ll just thank my lucky stars that my daughter got her full scholarship through attendance at a secular public school which did have objective measurements that seem to have had a pretty good ability to predict her future performance on her very demanding university coursework.
The idea that there is more than the slightest chance that the poor students attending those fraudulent anti-science religious schools could duplicate her path is laughable. But suit yourself. It’s a cruel world out there. Some of it is even reality based.
Sam, if you think the occasional incidence of fraud and misuse of funds in the public school world is anything at all on the scale of that in the world of charter/voucher schools, you clearly don’t follow the news on charter/voucher schools.
and take a look at Doonesbury for the past week on for-profit universities. You may or may not find Gary Trudeau funny, but he is pretty reliable on his facts…
Great. Along with Holocaust-deniers, now we’ll have Great Depression-deniers.