July 6th, 2012

Though he attracted ridicule from the Right for saying it (and what could he say that wouldn’t attract ridicule from the Right?), the President is correct: the private sector is okay, creating jobs at a respectable clip.  The weakness in job creation comes primarily from the public sector, where states and municipalities are firing teachers and firefighters and police officers for lack of Federal funding to retain them-and where lack of Federal funding is the direct result of Republican policies.

So apparently McConnell was telling the truth in 2009, if at no other time, when he said that his party’s highest priority was to defeat the President.  If the Republicans have to swell the ranks of the unemployed to accomplish this goal, why should they care?  Republicans mostly aren’t unemployed, and vice-versa.

In other words: the fact that Republican deficit-cutting policies increase unemployment is a feature, not a bug.  Their success in concealing this unattractive fact is truly remarkable.


*A 19th Century political saw, revived by and therefore often attributed to Adlai Stevenson.  Adlai’s version: “I would make a proposition to my Republican friends… that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.”  This edition of Today’s Pedantic Footnote provided gratis to our readers.

6 Responses to ““If our enemies will stop lying about us we will stop telling the truth about them”*”

  1. Dan says:

    “So apparently McConnell was telling the truth in 2004, if at no other time, when he said that his party’s highest priority was to defeat the President.”

    If only. Though I assume you mean 2008.

  2. Bruce Ross says:

    The Republicans cut the deficit? Could have fooled me.

  3. Ken Rhodes says:

    “Their success in concealing this unattractive fact is truly remarkable.”

    Remarkable? Humbug. Their success in concealing this is the direct corollary of the Dems’ ineptitude in framing important issues. The Dems seem deathly afraid of being accused of “promoting class warfare” for pointing out Republican policies that pit the rich against the rest.

    How lame is your campaigning skill when you can’t handle that? “Promoting class warfare? B.S.! We’re just urging a little more ‘fighting back.’ “

  4. Don Taylor says:

    Kelly, this figure makes your point on net private v. govt jobs comparing 2001-04 v. 2008-now http://www.businessinsider.com/update-jobs-under-the-first-bush-term-vs-jobs-under-the-first-obama-term-2012-7

    • Kelly Kleiman says:

      Thanks, that’s a great graphic-though it would be more powerful if the color key said “State Government,” “Local Government,” instead “CE9203330000″ or whatever it is!
