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You don’t have to be an altruist to earn like an Episcopalian and vote like a Puerto Rican; you just need to understand that, at the margin, a dollar spent on public goods gives you, personally, more benefit than a dollar spent on private consumption.

After initially making positive sounds about David Cameron’s veto at the EU summit, Deputy Leader Nick Clegg has reversed himself and gone all in for European integration. He sees the UK’s future and the continent’s as fundamentally linked, and it at least once sense he is certainly right: The outcome of the EuroMess will likely [...]

Let’s put it plainly. The demands of Occupy Wall Street are both valid and popular. The people occupying Wall Street are total flakes. The second fact in no way discredits the first. The people in Zuccotti Park aren’t the best people to carry forth their message—but they don’t need to be. They’ve already catalyzed others to do the job.

An impressive group of labor, economic development, and environmental groups is pushing to give more control to states and localities. How many Republicans will support this effort to tame the federal government? Do I have to ask?

The Republicans now face the same big problems of French socialists in the mid-twentieth century: how to craft a broad appeal while retaining the votes of a class that defines itself in terms of its unique and special grievances.