March 17th, 2012

One of my favorite political hat tricks is making March 17 a holiday in Boston.  A Catholic holiday in the belly of the Congregationalist-Episcopalian-Unitarian beast?  No. An Irish ethnic celebration enshrined in law? Surely not. It’s just a 100% American patriotic celebration of the British evacuation of Boston in 1776, uh huh.  The Irish, back in 1901, (i) maneuvered the WASP powers-that-were [no love for the Irish there] into making St. Patrick’s Day a legal holiday, [ii] anti-British cherry on top, with [iii] no Hibernian fingerprints on it.   Slainte!

3 Responses to “Happy Evacuation Day”

  1. ACLS says:

    So since your post is wearing green, I can’t pinch it?


  2. Michael O'Hare says:

    Since you mention it, that there is Enviro-Islamic green…move right along, nothing Irish here, folks.

  3. Mrs Tilton says:

    America’s (and, SFAIK, the world’s) first St Patrick’s Day parade was held by Irishmen in New York. New York was, at the time, still a colony; the parading Irishmen were protestant, and soldiers of the King (and hence would presumably be unwelcome in a latter-day parade run by the Ancient Hibernians, though they’d be welcome enough if they were IRA murderers).