Voters know that all politicians market themselves. But with Romney, many people wonder if it is marketing all the way down.
Voters know that all politicians market themselves. But with Romney, many people wonder if it is marketing all the way down.
And, in classic post-2009 Brooksian fashion, he managed to do it without saying anything too nice about Pres. Obama.
Empty suit recognizes another empty suit.
Who can get off the best Romney snark is now the new national sport…
I think David Brooks is a good writer and thinker, but that is almost as much projection as when Paul Krugman called Newt Gingrich a stupid person’s idea of what a smart person sounds like. On the other hand, there is no rule that projection has to be wrong. Romney really does make me wonder what he actually believes that he should do as President beyond being a manager with good hair and lots of money, and Gingrich is truly, excuse me I mean “fundamentally and transformatively,” a gasbag.
Turtles all the way down is coherent, but not eels all the way down. The elephant holding up the Disc is bound to slip off.