When Newt Gingrich says that a campaign has gotten “unnecessarily personal and nasty,” I think we should believe him.
I’m just afraid, with all the clearly true things that Mitt Romney is now saying about Gingrich, that some low-information voters might be fooled into thinking that Romney makes a habit of telling the truth.
What’s interesting is conservatives’ reflexive turn to whinese. Not an ounce of true character in any o’ them bones, Gingrich, Romney, Paul, Cain, Perry, Bachmann, maybe excepting Santorum (in which case I would argue a fragile simulacrum of rectitude). I deeply, sincerely hope they keep up their middle school antics and tantrums. This country - the world - desperately needs the implosion of modern American conservatism.
I deeply, sincerely hope they keep up their middle school antics and tantrums. This country – the world – desperately needs the implosion of modern American conservatism.
Yes, no doubt they will, but unfortunately the former is unlikely to lead to the latter.
I live in a Red State. The vast majority of the adult-aged population here is stuck in a middle school level emotional and intellectual developmental state. That is, those who somehow made it that far. The current Republican Party is a reasonably faithful representation of these people, sad as that is.
I’m reminded of a lyric from Frank Zappa’s “Dumb All Over (and a little ugly on the side)”: People, we is not wrapped tight!
I’ve gotta agree. If anyone in the universe knows “personal and nasty” campaigning it would be Newton Leroy Gingrich. I suppose Saxby Chambliss ought to get dishonorable mention in that sweepstakes.
[...] Hat tip to commentor Burnspbesq for the best comment I’ve seen on tonight’s debate so far. From Mark Kleiman at Reality-Based Community: [...]