January 18th, 2012

(cross-posted at Blog of the Century)

The below glamorous picture appeared in the New York Times the other day, in its story “Online shoppers are rooting for the little guy.” Although I hate to be exploited as eye candy. it’s been fun. I’ve been getting calls and emails from old high school and college friends, and many other.

Photo by Peter Wynn Thompson

The Times noted my decision to go cold turkey on Amazon.com. Until September, I had been spending more than $1,000 annually at Amazon. After September, I have spent $0 there.  One might think, reading that story, that I was a random person who abandoned Amazon out of my desire to support small businesses. In fact, the Times found me because I wrote this web column for the Nation on cyber Monday, which explained the main reason for my decision: Amazon’s shabby treatment of its workers.

I hope that you read this terrific story by Spencer Soper describing shabby labor practices at Amazon’s Lehigh Valley warehouse, where books, CDs and other products are packed and shipped. We all have a responsibility to spend our consumer dollars to promote and reward responsible corporate behavior. In my view, Amazon’s behavior falls short of this standard.

5 Responses to “My fifteen seconds of fame (clicking off Amazon.com)”

  1. Keith Humphreys says:

    Congratulations Harold!

    p.s. This photo is way better than the shirtless version they were considering.

  2. Barry says:

    I’ve stopped shopping at Amazon; I just use their search engine.

  3. Eli says:

    Not to mention their opposition to paying their fair share of state sales tax. But as a service, it’s hard to beat. I’ve written them to voice my concerns, but as of yet haven’t brought myself to a boycott.

  4. MaryL says:

    You are Harry Potter and I claim my 5 pounds.

    (Seriously, you’re a lot younger than I thought. Maybe the name “Harold”, like “Mary”, just reads as older.)

  5. NCG says:

    Bravo, Harold!

    All is not lost. Check it out: http://www.latimes.com/business/money/la-state-fines-warehouse-companies-for-safety-violations-20120118,0,5322746.story

    It’s not about an Amazon warehouse, or at least it doesn’t say so. Same idea though.

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