If you’ve never seen a reflection rainbow, take a look at this amazing shot by an amateur photographer, which was published in the Telegraph today.
If you’ve never seen a reflection rainbow, take a look at this amazing shot by an amateur photographer, which was published in the Telegraph today.
Living by a large lake we have double rainbows freqently in the summer. Once I saw a triple reflected by two lakes on different levels of a mountain. It is the same principal but I’ve never seen it converging right on the water like that.
Do you suppose the pot of gold is on the bottom? With two you get a bonus pot but you have to get there really fast before it fades or the bottom drops out of the market.
Pretty awesome
Unless there is a lake in the sky, they got the mechanism backwards in the caption. The light first reflects
off the water, and then gets reflected by the raindrops. Which is why you see it in the sky not
the water.