October 3rd, 2011

Hank Williams, Jr. of Monday Night Football-bad-theme-song fame compared Obama with Hitler, an analogy so outrageous that it was too much even for Fox & Friends.  Less than four hours later, ESPN fired him.  Good for them.

It is so obvious that Williams should be replaced by the Dixie Chicks that I’m not even sure I need to blog it.

7 Responses to “Send in the Second Team”

  1. Perspecticus says:

    Of course they fired him. Disney would never have anything to do with the Nazis…

  2. Benny Lava says:

    It is obvious that Jonathan Zasloff does not watch football. The correct answer is: http://youtu.be/VgSMxY6asoE

  3. Ed Whitney says:

    The hoity-toity elitists were snickering over his calling Biden and Obama “The Three Stooges.”
    He wants to run for the Senate, not for chairman of the math department! Why are those conceited liberals always running down our wonderful country?

  4. Doug says:

    Benny, LSU’s takeover isn’t quite *that* complete yet.

  5. SndsFamiliar says:

    the intro to this song sounds a lot like Alice in Chains’ “Nutshell.”

  6. David Z says:

    Not to be flip, but you’re forgetting that there’s never any need to blog anything at all.

  7. Jeremy says:

    Am I the only one who isn’t bothered by this? He was using Hitler and Netanyahu as an example of two people that would be mortal enemies. I mean, it’s a stupid analogy, but he wasn’t actually comparing Obama to Hitler. Glenn Beck, on the other hand, does that all the time.