October 30th, 2011

Just as James said, people in the U.S. become much more likely to start a small business when they become eligible for Medicare. That’s a like benefit of Obamacare that doesn’t often get mentioned.

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9 Responses to “Evidence of safety nets as trampolines”

  1. How do we distinguish Medicare eligibility from Social Security eligibility. Perhaps the small-businesses are basic income dependent rather than healthcare dependent.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not hard to distinguish: Medicare eligibility turns from “off” to “on” when you turn 65. SS benefits are on a sliding scale; there’s no sharp penalty for retiring at 64.

  2. Thanks Mark. Bleg and ye shall find!

  3. FuzzyFace says:

    I don’t see how the study distinguishes “people start new business when they have access to non-employer-based health insurance” from “people start new businesses when they retire.”

  4. Steve Roth says:

    Just to say that “springboard” or “platform” are much better metaphors than “trampoline,” which suggests a certain wildness and riskiness.

    Social support programs provide tens of millions of people with stable platforms, springboards to move up into the realm of productive entrepreneurial enterprises.

  5. KLG says:

    Well, if ObamaCare were Medicare for All, you might have a point. It has done nothing yet for my brother, the self-employed carpenter with a pre-existing congenital heart condition.

    This is also a point that I heard Michael Harrington make in an address at a meeting in NYC. In about 1978. Nothing new under the sun.

    • Don’t you think some truths need repeating, as often as the opposing lies? Plus, of course, the evidence, the evidence.

      • KLG says:

        Absolutely. Just ask my children. As for the evidence, it seems not to matter to the other half, starting with the election of 1980 or thereabouts.

  6. Feed Purge says:

    [...] a spike in small business formation once people join Medicare and don’t have to worry about losing health [...]