October 15th, 2011

Alejandro Hope, a frequent and well-informed commenter at RBC, has started his own Spanish-language blog on drugs and crime. Plata o Plomo has already carried intriguing articles on the origins of the recent violence in Mexico and the challenges of trying to fight money laundering. A strong start with I expect many more good things to follow.

2 Responses to “New Blog About Drugs and Crime”

  1. MikeM says:

    those who are interested in the topic might also want to see Diego Valle-Jones’ blog (at diegovalle.net). He has done some nice work in analyzing (using visualization techniques) Mexico’s homicide data.

  2. ericbearings says:

    are interested in the topic might also want to see Diego Valle-Jones’ blog good articles thanks for sharing .http://www.nskbearing.cc/