October 14th, 2011

After years of hearing the likes of Inkblot and Domino gain fame from their exploits, Demitasse Ubiquitous Tyger has had enough. He’s demanding his own place on Parnassus.

He even considered getting up to dramatize the situation.  But on second thought, he realized that his fearful symmetry spoke for itself.

Demitasse Ubiquitous Tyger (photo)

5 Responses to “Friday catblogging: Demitasse roars”

  1. You Don't Say says:


  2. MaryL says:

    Gorgeous! And nice to see him sprawled out here, because the aspect ration was off in the main page of the blog.

  3. Keith Humphreys says:

    A magnificent beast to be loved or feared (or perhaps, both)

  4. Bruce Wilder says:

    Shouldn’t that be “fearsome” symmetry? I fear the soliloquy on the degeneration of the English language, which will surely follow, if this catastrophic confusion of meaning isn’t corrected.