July 11th, 2011

I realize that this whole, raise-taxes, cut-benefits, eat-your-peas thing worked for Ike, but you know, he did win the war and all, and you didn’t.  Just saying….

5 Responses to “Political Memo for the President”

  1. Will says:

    But Obama has won a war. He just has to, you know, make that point.

  2. KLG says:

    Well, Obama did win a Nobel Peace Prize. So there!

  3. Mitch Guthman says:

    @ Will,

    Which war would that be?

  4. jm says:

    @Mitch Guthman

    You know, the long one…. Look! Over there! Cwazeee Wepubwicans!

  5. jm says:

    Or was it the other long one? It’s getting more difficult keeping all our excellent imperial adventures straight.