The latest issue of Criminology and Public Policy has a paper on justice reinvestment by Todd Clear and a response from me that will surprise no one: I argue that the best way to generate prison savings is with better community supervision, and that therefore the best form of justice reinvestment is letting out prisoners and plowing some of the money back into probation and parole.
If the first page whets your appetite and you don’t have access, I’ll happily send out .pdfs of the full text on request to [mylastname] [at] [ucla] [dot] [eee-dee-you].
Just saw the new issue yesterday. Great article Mark. Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.
“If the first page whets your appetite and you don’t have access, I’ll happily send out .pdfs of the full text on request to [mylastname] [at] [ucla] [dot] [eee-dee-you].”
Not to criticize you, Mark, but why is a statement like this necessary? Why don’t you have this (and all) your PDFs just listed on your CV page on your UCLA web page? If the journal demands copyright, why are you and UC still dealing with them — start a civilized journal that doesn’t have such ridiculous and user-hostile policies.