June 11th, 2011

Unlike Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann or Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry might actually become President of the United States. That’s a very, very scary fact. The risk will receded if the threat is better appreciated.

I hope that, if he runs, someone will ask him whether he still plans to take Texas out of the Union.

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6 Responses to “Threat assessment”

  1. Anomalous says:

    Maybe he will secede the whole country out of the union. Just abolish the constitution in one chop instead of the death by a thousand cuts that has been going on for the last decade.

  2. navarro says:

    there could be less to him than meets the eye. even the republicans i know despise him.

  3. politicalfootball says:

    It’s always tempting to overestimate someone who hasn’t actually entered the race, but given the remarkably weak Republican field, Perry does look like a strong candidate. Why else would anyone think Pawlenty has a shot? And anybody (including Palin) who gets the Republican nomination has a more-than-negligible chance of becoming president.

    Am I rooting for Romney to get the Republican nod? I think I am! Who, among the Republicans, would make a less disastrous president?

  4. Warren Terra says:

    Bob Moser had a very scary article in The Nation recently about what Perry has done to Texas.

  5. BroD says:

    I agree that we should take Perry seriously The left commentary I’ve seen to date hasn’t done that, focusing only on the many ways he’s objectionable to the left. That last twit from Texas was objectionable in almost as many ways but he won (in a manner of speaking.)

  6. Eli says:

    I keep waiting for Texas to take me up on this offer: I won’t mess with them as long as they don’t mess with me.