May 27th, 2011

My sister Kelly, speaking to the Fellows of the University of Chicago Public Interest Program, tells you everything you need to know about why it’s hard to run charities, as opposed to non-profit businesses. The talk starts at minute 2:15.

4 Responses to “Nonprofit 101”

  1. Fr33d0m says:

    Because iframes misbehave?

  2. Mark Kleiman says:

    Link fixed now.

  3. Anomalous says:

    Lots of food for thought. In particular the issue of “running a nonprofit like a business” or in other words letting the fund raising arm become the tail that wags the dog, rings true.
    It is natural for board members who are in business to look at monetary problems as the leading edge for an organization. If you get a voting block of such like minded individuals on a board they can indeed run away with the organization. Kelly has posted here about that issue.
    Thank you for posting this. I plan to recommend viewing it to some friends.

  4. BroD says:
