I agree with Donald Trump. (Bet you thought you’d never hear me say that!) His decision not to run for President “does not come … without regret.” I regret it deeply. I was counting on a Trump independent candidacy to convert an Obama victory into an Obama landslide. And that’s not counting the comic relief.
Glad to see that he went out (or at least decided not to go in) in his own style, bullsh!tting all the way. Had he decided to run, he says, he’s sure he would have won. But he’d rather do reality TV.
Update Got the headline wrong. As Politico points out, it should have been “The Donald ducks.” I purely hate missing the easy ones.
The Donald achieved the only mission he had in mind: publicity.
I agree with Seth, I never believed in the Trump presidency campaign. Ratings game. Same with the Palin presidential overtures. Logic dictates that neither of these two will run.
“Trump Folds” or “Trump, Folds” also have a bit of coherence
notrump bid?