May 24th, 2011

Talking Points Memo headline:

Pawlenty Makes Prez Bid Official:
‘This Country is in Big Trouble’

3 Responses to “Indeed, though not necessarily for that reason”

  1. Warren Terra says:

    There was also this data point noted by Yglesias:

    Barack Obama’s speech in Ireland coincided with Tim Pawlenty’s announcement speech. CNN and MSNBC are both showing Obama. Fox is showing neither.

    Doesn’t mean Fox is against him - but it sure doesn’t look like the official institution of the Republican base finds Pawlenty’s candidacy exciting.

  2. koreyel says:

    Doesn’t mean Fox is against him – but it sure doesn’t look like the official institution of the Republican base finds Pawlenty’s candidacy exciting.

    Official institution of the Republican base = Ailes.
    Check this out:

    Sherman reports that Ailes called the New Jersey Governor a few months ago “and encouraged him to jump into the race.” That’s not the first time they’ve discussed the idea. Ailes brought Christie and talk show host Rush Limbaugh to his upstate New York home for dinner last summer. Despite Ailes’ courtship, Christie isn’t running.

    Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Thinks Sarah Palin Is ‘Stupid’: New York Magazine
