April 4th, 2011

As I noted below, Paul Ryan’s proposed budget for next year will adopt the policy of ending Medicare.  Of course, we should expect the right wing’s talking points to say that it’s not ending Medicare — it’s just “reforming” it, or “transforming” it, or “modernizing” it etc. etc.

This led commenter “Calling All Toasters” to suggest that

This plan doesn’t end Medicare in the same way that being cut up into steaks doesn’t end the cow.

The literary possibilities are enormous here.  A couple of years ago, after Dick Cheney said that he didn’t question Nancy Pelosi’s patriotism but rather her judgment, I invited readers to finish this line: “Dick Cheney questioning someone else’s judgment is like __________.”  The consensus winner was “Jeffrey Dahmer criticizing a restaurant menu.”

So we can now try another pattern.  Finish this sentence:

Paul Ryan’s budget plan reforms Medicare in the same way that _________________

Have at it.

UPDATE: Reader Mark Kleiman points out that this form is that of a simile, not a metaphor.  I have updated.

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29 Responses to “RBC Simile Contest! Paul Ryan Edition”

  1. Mark Kleiman says:

    A chain-saw reforms a tree.

  2. Andrew Sabl says:

    An iceberg reformed the Titanic.

  3. Olof says:

    … Robespierre reformed the monarchy.

  4. Tom says:

    …. like a book of gift certificates to a brothel preserves marriage.

  5. paul says:

    Criminal prosecution reformed Arthur Andersen.
    The Declaration of Independence reformed the 13 colonies.

  6. MCD says:

    A good whitewashing spruces up the Sistine Chapel.

  7. BroD says:

    BP enhanced the environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico.

  8. calling all toasters says:

    …the Enola Gay reformed Hiroshima.

  9. Ano says:

    Hitler… wait, I’ve already lost, haven’t I?

  10. Ano says:

    … a chop-shop fixes cars.

  11. Ano says:

    … Clinton reformed welfare. [Wait, that's kind of accurate.]

  12. Daris says:

    My grandma’s bladder ameliorated my sofa after Thanksgiving dinner last year.

  13. James Wimberley says:

    Arbeit Macht Frei.
    (claiming a technical exemption from Godwin’s Law)

  14. Dennis says:

    … Arizona’s Transplant Review Committee saves patients’ lives.

    … a vegan eats meat.

    … repealing Glass-Steagal improved financial regulation.

  15. bcinaz says:

    dead reforms sick

  16. Ano says:

    … a club reforms a seal.

  17. Dan Staley says:

    …losing your job reforms your income.

  18. KM says:

    …mountaintop removal mining reforms a mountain (and the valley below).

  19. C.S. says:

    Let’s get historical!

    . . . Cibber reformed Shakespeare. [Bonus for obscurity?]

    . . . the Huns reformed the Roman Empire.

    . . . the Romans reformed Carthage.

    . . . the First Crusade reformed Byzantium.

    . . . the Vikings reformed Lindesfarne.

  20. docdave says:

    …my shredder reforms my bank statements.
    …the Boxers brought urban renewal to the Peking legations.
    …the Black Death “right-sized” Europe’s population.

  21. Betsy says:

    Let’s vote. Mine goes to Ano at 9:15.

  22. Sean says:

    Mine to Olof and Robespierre.

  23. Seth says:

    George W. Bush ‘reformed’ Saddam Hussein.

  24. Seth says:

    Ano’s contribution is outstanding, but may I suggest a minor edit?

    a club reforms a *baby* seal.

  25. John Gee says:

    @Ano’s first comment, “…Hitler references win conversations.”

    But to keep the verb concordant, let’s go with “…Ayn Rand reforms Aristotle.”

  26. Vladimir says:

    …an execution reforms a criminal.

  27. Swift Loris says:

    …Henry VIII reformed British monasteries.

  28. paul says:

    It occurs to me that Ryan’s proposal, if enacted, would also reform the insurance industry. Because for the seniors who are unable to cover the excess costs of their health care from their own resources, the best financial course would be not to use the vouchers to pay for real health insurance but for something else. And then rely on charity care and rules against hospitals turning patients away for actual care. It would be like the S%L looting process, only at a micro level.

  29. R. Johnston says:

    . . . gangrene reforms flesh
    . . . Ayn Rand reforms dramatic storytelling
    . . . the Wilpon brothers reform the Mets
    . . . Fukushima reforms sea water
    . . . David Vitter reforms diapers
    . . . cocaine reforms Charlie Sheen