April 15th, 2011

Kentucky Democratic Congressmember John Yarmuth is ridiculing the GOP’s budget, which will end Medicare in order to provide tax cuts to the wealthiest:

After the budget vote, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) labeled it the “Harry Potter Budget Plan.”

“Don’t worry about actual economic measurements,” he said. “Just wave a magic wand and it all adds up.”

“That’s not budget reality,” he said. “The biggest insult is that [the GOP] budget is totally faith-based.”

True enough, but Yarmuth gets one thing wrong.  It’s not a Harry Potter budget; it’s the Voldemort budget.  Republican beliefs do fundamentally rely on fiction, but it’s important to keep your characters straight.

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2 Responses to “Mixing Up Your Harry Potter Characters”

  1. Robert the Red says:

    Where’s the Veritaserum when we need it?