April 5th, 2011

Via Sullivan, someone named James C. Capretta says that in light of the Republicans’ attempt to end Medicare:

with a Republican plan on the table, the media will surely start to ask Democrats, “Hey, where’s your plan?” This will force them to either come clean with their tax-hike vision, or become the party that pushed the country toward a debt-induced economic crisis. Either way, with more clarity about where the parties actually stand, Republicans can win the public fight.

So who is this James C. Capretta, anyway?  Turns out, at least from his bio at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (a right-wing fake think tank that came to prominence in the 80′s for urging greater sympathy to right-wing torture regimes), he is basically a Republican functionary, who worked for Capitol Hill Republicans, went to the George W. Bush Administration, and now is the grateful recipient of wingnut welfare.  But this is really the highlight of his resume.  Capretta

was an Associate Director at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) from 2001 to 2004, where he was the top budget official for health-care, Social Security, education, and welfare programs.

So the Associate Director of OMB during the first three years of the Bush Administration, which took a huge surplus and turned it into a series of crushing deficits, is now lecturing the Democrats on fiscal reponsibility.  We don’t let convicted felons vote: an equivalent rule should be to deny credibility on budgetary matters to anyone who worked for George W. Bush.

In any event, it shows how little Capretta appears to know about the health care debate that he seems to know nothing about the good ideas to reduce Medicare costs.  No doubt, it is a very hard job, but if you were going to name two ideas, they would be 1) comparative effectiveness research, so that Medicare doesn’t pay for expensive yet ineffective treatments, and 2) providing funding for seniors to voluntarily write advanced directives, in order to start trimming the grotesquely expensive and ineffective treatments in the last three months of life.

Well, guess what?  Those are precisely the things that the Right mendaciously attacked as “death panels”, to which Politifact gave its coveted Lie Of The Year award

So there’s your Republican strategy: lie about the other side’s genuine efforts at cost control, attempt to end Medicare, and then whine about your opponents don’t have a plan.  All in a day’s work for your typical right-wing apparatchik.

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8 Responses to “Annals of Fiscal Responsibility Chutzpah”

  1. Capretta is trying to kid us

  2. koreyel says:

    You are on fire lately…

  3. StevenB says:

    When they are good, they are very, very good at long term framing of national discourse and policy zero sum games. The Plutocrats, and their functionary Plutocratican Party have learned their history lessons well - Capital is winning, and the right’s total, complete, flagrant disregard for anything outside the ends and means of aggrandizement of wealth is a sign we are entering endgame. Between redistricting, Citizen’s United, Fox/Limbaugh, the Supreme Court, and BushCo’s highly successful setup for “starving the beast”….the die is being cast for the next twenty to fifty years, regardless of relatively non-unified resentment and resistance. It’s going to take more than a couple ‘landslide’ elections to turn this ship, never mind reverse it. Either everyone - everyone - gets off their a***s and fights this, or it’s a done deal.

  4. daveinboca says:

    Is the Really Bullshit-based Community another Soros outlier aping the Talking Points Memo, Media Mutters, Think Process gang of Three? You marxists are the phoniest paraphiliacs in the leftist menagerie, and useful idiots like yourselves probably don’t cost much to Georgie-boy and his gang of arbitrage-dollarbusters.

  5. Sean says:

    George Soros is my father, if you’d really like to know …

  6. Ben says:

    Overall good, but we do, in most states, let convicted felons who have served their time vote. Which is as it should be: pay your debt to society, and rejoin society.

    Of course Capretta has never served any time…

  7. Ryan says:

    Excellent spoof from daveinboca, really top shelf stuff.

  8. Warren Terra says:

    Ryan, you need to become aware of more and higher shelves.