April 1st, 2011

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5 Responses to “The more things change”

  1. BillP says:

    Not sure what this references, but it’s a shame that School House Rock didn’t do a follow-up video about Daniel Shays Whiskey Rebellion, and how Sam Adams and the original Tea Partiers viewed that little Tea Bagger-like tantrum. In this medium, the message might have had a chance of penetrating the Bachmann brains.

  2. Dennis says:


    I’m not sure what it’s referencing either, but I suspect that it’s an indirect tribute to House Majority Leader Cantor. He introduced (and the House passed) a bill that says (in essence) we don’t need no estinking Senate, and we don’t need no estinking President even less.

  3. Sean says:

    Maybe it’s about how following the British austerians over the economic cliff will only further weaken America ….

  4. Andrew Sabl says:

    This clearly was inside baseball (or cricket) to a degree that made it completely baffling.

    All your guesses are good ones given how cryptic I was. But in fact, the answer’s simpler. Look at how the category is spelled (or spelt) and try to remember how it used to be spelt (or spelled).

    Maybe from now on I’ll stick to analyzing political rhetoric.

  5. Quiddity says:

    In Sabl’s defence, his post is not a cypher and is, in fact, easy to analyse. He’s trying to stimulate a dialogue that will get us to examine our behaviour so that we don’t stray too far from the political centre.