One can debate the political pros and cons of President Obama’s proposed budget: Jonathan Chait does an excellent job here debating with — himself! But in fact there is a quite simple way to reduce federal spending by $47 billion a year as a conservative estimate: that old public health care option.
Such things, however, cannot be discussed in polite company, so let’s just reduce Pell Grants, maternal and child health, and food safety inspections instead. Whew! Glad we dodged that bullet.
Just as other State-monopoly enterprises work so well, huh? Like government schools produce cheap, high-quality education and the Post Office delivers mail so cheaply that unsubsidized competitors cannot survive? Riiiight.
Or we could just massively increase taxes on marginal incomes over $2 million a year, returning to rates we saw in more prosperous, egalitarian times. This way bankers and CEOs can do whatever they please, but at the end of the day expect to merely live like kings, while paying for the basic social services and infrastructure that every citizen should be entitled to enjoy, for the country that made them who they are.
And maybe Malcolm might actually have the funds to pay for his privately contracted services.
Attn: Malcolm Kirkpatrick and Other Interested Parties
RFP: Please submit any bids by noon tomorrow, for the transport of my one ounce letter from Oakland, CA to Fargo, North Dakota, to be delivered no later than Saturday, February 19, 2011. No bids for >44¢ will be accepted. Thank you for your interest.
Public School (Kindergarten through University) Graduate
Fargo, schmargo. Letter to Plainsdorf, actually to my cousin’s farm on Rte 42, about half a mile after the road that goes up to Smithville and four miles out of town. Plainsdorf, well you go west from Fargo about fifty miles and then turn left where the elevator used to be…
Eli: +1
kathleen: +1
Michael: +1
Malcolm: -10
Malcolm, you really need to work harder. Is that the best you can do? And please, if you so desire, have kathleen’s and Michael’s letters delivered by FedEx or UPS for a minimum of 25x their cost. Yeah, that’ll work.
Like government schools produce cheap, high-quality education
I can attest my UC and UW education was comparatively cheap and high-quality. And back in the day the public school was pretty good too, albeit with far fewer people Peter Principled to Admin jobs.
And second the letter-delivery assertion.
Why Jonathan you didn’t even touch a hair on the military-industrial complex’s shaggy head…
Why is that? State-monopoly armies work so well, huh?
Private schools aren’t any better than public schools at either the collegiate or the elementary level. Come on! What a laugh.
For every sh*tty Fundamentalist Academy created to avoid de-segregation and the teaching of rudimentary biology, there’s a public university doing biomedical research. And for every extraordinarily expensive private college for mediocre upper-class twits who couldn’t get into Yale or St. Johns or Amherst, there’s a public elementary school with a great PTA great kids and great teachers.
Or do I have that backwards? Anyway, give me a BREAK.
If you choose to live away from people, you choose to live away from people. You want a government-subsidized emergency room surgeon to accompany you on your back-country hikes, too? Your subsidized mail delivery and schooling were not cheap. Other people paid the bills, that is all.
Please read the introductory chapters in the Brookings study __Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services__.
As I understand it, the “cuts in Pell grants” are in two forms: ending the highly-regressive subsidy embodied in charging zero interest while people are still in school, and eliminating the new two-grant system that the for-profit ripoff universities had figured out how to exploit. I don’t know the details about the other domestic-spending cuts, but as far as I can tell the Pell-grant changes are all to the good.
Someday someone will explain to me how it came to be that some progressives started to assume that everything done by the Obama Administration was done in bad faith.
Actually, Mark, I was talking about the Republicans plans. Someday someone will explain to me why knee-jerk defenders of the President assume everyone else is acting in bad faith.
Then someone will explain to me why a public OPTION somehow grows into a government monopoly. Then someone will explain to me why the public is happier with Medicare than with private insurance — and also why Medicare has lower administrative costs. Perhaps they might even fly on horrid, inefficient, unprofitable government-owned Singapore Airlines to explain it to me.
44c first-class postage is subsidized? I had no idea. I thought the Post Office had to turn a profit or break even. Now you tell us.
(Betsy): “Private schools aren’t any better than public schools at either the collegiate or the elementary level. Come on! What a laugh.
Gerard Lassibile and Lucia Navarro Gomez,
“Organization and Efficiency of Educational Systems: some empirical findings”
Comparative Education
Joshua Angrist
“Randomized Trials and Quasi-Experiments in Education Research”
NBER Reporter, summer, 2003.
From State operation of what industries does society at large benefit? Why mail delivery and not retail groceries? Why schools and not barbershops?
E.G. West
“Education Vouchers in Principle and Practice: A Survey”
The World Bank Research Observer, 1997-Feb.
(Betsy): “Or do I have that backwards? Anyway, give me a BREAK.
Give me a baseball bat.
Oh those long block quotes are so convincing when accompanied by vague threats of violence … zzzzzzzzz
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by What If Post, Monica. Monica said: The Easy Way to Cut the Federal Deficit « The Reality-Based Community: Such things, however, cannot be discussed… [...]
[...] The Easy Way to Cut the Federal Deficit « The Reality-Based Community: One can debate the political pros and cons of President Obama’s proposed budget: Jonathan Chait does an excellent job here debating with — himself! But in fact there is a quite simple way to reduce federal spending by $47 billion a year as a conservative estimate: that old public health care option. Such things, however, cannot be discussed in polite company, so let’s just reduce Pell Grants, maternal and child health, and food safety inspections instead. Whew! Glad we dodged that bullet. [...]
So you are extrapolating data from a country that is 112th in Per Capita income and has is number 8 on the Gini index (most inequality.) Columbia is a country that ranks 111th in education spending. To use that data as a direct comparison to our public education system is absurd.
As to your second link, it does have a valid point, but only to the way we presently fund euducation. Elementary/Secondary funding that is based on the property values of those living within that specific school district results in massive disparities that may be only a few miles apart. It isn’t an indictment of the education system.
To quote Betsy, give me a break.
Cut the insurance companies out- UNIVERSAL MEDICARE FOR ALL -give doctors a salary. Stop unessential treatments surgeries and procedures and tests on people about to die.
NO MORE WARS like Bush arranged for his friends and we will be in better shape .
Educate the masses to stop eating and drinking processed garbage and stop watching garbage movies and tv and tax really high junk in Food .We might get somet clarity in the brains of the kids so they can learn.
Reconsider free speech. Spewing of ignrant lies and stories are not conducive to advancments in society. Get rid of junk tv and junk news and all the rot we have in our society called free speech.
Remove mythology from the classroom and teach science. biology, environmetal studies and history facts.
CBO estimates the public option would reduce the deficit by $68 billion THROUGH 2020. About $15 billion a year by the end of the budget window, not $47 billion. I certainly wouldn’t call $47 billion a “conservative estimate”
Forgot the link:
@Marc: Like, read the, like, link provided by JZ. Actually, read what’s at the link. …Just want to make it clear for you.
[...] The Easy Way to Cut the Federal Deficit by Jonathan Zasloff [...]