February 15th, 2011

He’s not sure whether the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Conservative Political Action Committee.

No, seriously. I mean, is the American right wing stark, staring bonkers, or what?

Just remember: when Bill Kristol said (of Beck) that “hysteria is not a sign of health,” that was a controversial comment among the people who call themselves “conservatives.”

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6 Responses to “World-historic moment: Glenn Beck admits doubt”

  1. CharlesWT says:

    It’s even worse than Beck suspects. CPAC was not only infiltrated, but taken over by gasp! the LIBERTARIANS!

  2. Henry says:

    Glenn Beck is an easy target. We should be criticizing Obama for torturing people. He is still engaging in “extraordinary rendition” (http://articles.latimes.com/2009/feb/01/nation/na-rendition1; http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/11/target-of-obama-era-rendi_n_256499.html) and is still torturing Bradley Manning (https://thesamefacts.com/2010/12/barack-obama/torturing-bradley-manning/).

  3. Brett Bellmore says:

    “Just remember: when Bill Kristol said (of Beck) that “hysteria is not a sign of health,” that was a controversial comment among the people who call themselves “conservatives.””

    That would mainly be because conservatives understand something Kristol wishes they didn’t: Being thought hysterical by Bill Kristol is not a reliable sign of hysteria.

    “It’s even worse than Beck suspects. CPAC was not only infiltrated, but taken over by gasp! the LIBERTARIANS!”

    Yeah, that was the entertaining complaint by Rush yesterday. I wish…

  4. koreyel says:

    Did anybody ask him how CPAC might assuage his doubts?

    A purge? Loyalty oaths? Waterboarding?
    How about investigative journalism?
    Oh wait, Ann Coulter wants to throw them in jail…

    Perhaps then, they might just “lean on” Beck’s suspects Coulter style…
    Remember Ann said a few years back that we should “physically intimidate liberals.”
    That might identify the moles…

  5. karen says:

    Some time back, Keith Olbermann showcased Beck’s conspiratorial rant about the decorations (frescoes? bas-reliefs?) on Rockefeller Center. Beck’s thinking at that time was more confused and less organized than that of many paranoid schizophrenics, and he hasn’t improved any since. I can’t imagine what he is doing to the brains of his audience, at least those who take him seriously.

  6. kevo says:

    I just fear for those poor New Zealanders!