February 1st, 2011

As befits a person of my high stature, I received a “personal e-mail” from Michelle Obama this morning, letting me on the secret that the Democratic Party will hold its 2012 Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Seems to me that it’s a good choice: the Dems will get a lot of free media in a state that Obama carried in 2008 and will make it difficult for the Republicans to win if he carries it again.  (It’s also got a very nice new airport, which will help.).

But Michelle — and of course the FLOTUS and I are on a first name basis now — also told me that she needs 

to hear from you. We want to know what you’d like to see at next year’s convention, how and where you plan on watching it — and the very best way we can engage your friends and neighbors. Jonathan, please share your input with us right now — how can we make The People’s Convention belong to you and your community?

Well, that’s easy: I don’t really have strong views about what I want to see at the Convention, but I have a very strong idea of what I don’t want to see: a Fox News skybox.

Fox “News” is not a news organization: it is an arm of Movement Conservatism in general and the Republican Party in particular.  Just today TPM’s Brian Beutler revealed that Fox managing editor Bill Sammon pushed very hard in 2008 to emphasize Obama’s “socialism.”  An estimated three people nationwide are surprised at this.  Of course it has every right to advocate and support Movement Conservatism, but there’s no reason why the Democratic Party should help it to do so.

The Republican Convention shouldn’t give a skybox to ACORN, and the Democrats shouldn’t give a skybox to Fox.  It’s that simple.

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6 Responses to “Renewing a Modest Proposal for the 2012 Democratic Convention”

  1. Bruce Wilder says:

    Don’t give the nomination to Obama, and I’m with you.

  2. koreyel says:

    Of course you are right…
    And since I’m also a personal friend of Michelle, I’ll tell her too.

    Speaking of Acorn…

    Now that movement conservatism has successful trod them in the dirt.
    Has anybody else stepped up to register America’s middle class and untouchables?

  3. Dennis says:


    And to Bruce, if we should not nominate Obama, then who should we nominate?

  4. Basilisc says:

    Bad idea. It gives the impression that Democrats are somehow afraid of or intimidated by Fox, which they aren’t (or shouldn’t be). Fox will set up across the street and broadcast from the convention anyway. The best way to deal with Fox is for Democrats to present their perspective in a consistent, convincing, compelling way in every other news outlet. Those who only watch Fox won’t hear this - but they’re a lost cause anyway. The key is to destroy Fox’s credibility among those who do occasionally watch other networks. And, over a longer term (but not too long), wait for Fox’s viewership to die off - I believe their average age is in the 60s.

  5. Ian says:

    Jonathan — I don’t understand how you can suggest some form of equivalence between ACORN and Fox News. One was an organization of value to the Republic. The other is a fake news organization. Perhaps you owe someone an apology!

  6. Brett Bellmore says:

    Sure, do it, Basilisc is right about the impression it will give, and truth in advertising is good.