January 23rd, 2011

I just noticed that whoever made the category indicators for this site used the British spelling of humour. As the newest RBCer, I may have been falling down until now because the only funny things I have posted have been from the states.

So, here goes, a hilarious Michael Caine impersonation contest (Warning: Has a bit of profanity). Watch closely to see Rob Brydon corpsing ever so slightly at the end.

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2 Responses to “Some “Humour” For Your Weekend”

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by fadsandfancies.com, fadsandfancies.com. fadsandfancies.com said: Book News: Some “Humour” For Your Weekend: I just noticed that whoever made the category indicators for this sit… http://bit.ly/idoS2X [...]

  2. StevenB says:

    That’s f***ing hilarious - thank you very much.