December 25th, 2010

A new Facebook friend from Belgium (not otherwise known to me) has as her motto on the site a quotation from the Belle Epoque writer Alphonse Allais (also previously unknown to me):

Les gens qui ne rient jamais ne sont pas des gens serieux.

[People who never laugh aren't serious people.]

Could there be a better comment on our current humorless, un-serious politics?

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4 Responses to “Wish-I’d-said-that Dep’t”

  1. kevo says:

    A few Found Art artists have observed something a bit similar - If you’re not serious, you can’t afford to be funny! Serious people are the most funny. Clowns are the most serious people on the planet!

  2. Bruce Wilder says:

    Jon Stewart and Stephen Tyrone Colbert (three names, like an assassin) are, thus, the demi-gods of political punditry.

  3. Blake says:

    Brilliant quote - but am I perhaps missing the laugh about why it’s filed under “Affordable Care Act”?

  4. Mark Kleiman says:

    Nope. Just a typo. Fixed now.

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