November 25th, 2010

Are your lights on; gas  to cook all that food?  Traffic lights?  When you start washing pots and pans, will there be water? If your flambé dessert sets the curtains on fire, think the fire department will be working?  Was your supermarket open this morning for all the stuff you forgot to buy yesterday?  Taking the bus or train to relatives’ this afternoon?

Lots of people are working today, and they’ll be back on Christmas and New Year’s Day, so we can enjoy the holidays.  I hope they’re getting overtime, but they’re still working and we’re not. Say something nice to a cop or firefighter if you come upon one, and the checkout clerk at the market, and save a thought for the guy looking at dials at the waterworks and power stations.  And the engineer at the radio station cueing up pre-recorded tapes.

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4 Responses to “Some thanks to give”

  1. Chuchundra says:

    I’m working today. Forgoing Turkey Day in the pursuit of scientific research.

    Yeah…it sucks.

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, said: Blogfeed: Some thanks to give: Are your lights on; gas  to cook all that food?  Traffic lights?  When you start … [...]

  3. Don K says:

    I recall overhearing a galley conversation between two flight attendants, one apparently a veteran and the other a rookie, several years ago around this time of year. Apparently the rookie’s lack of seniority had her working Christmas day.

    Rookie: “So what’s it like working Christmas?”

    Veteran: “It’s easy. The flights are half empty, and the passengers are so grateful you’re flying that day.”

    And lets not forget the ER staffs and the nursing staffs who are on duty.

  4. Harold Pollack says:

    Nice piece.

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