November 5th, 2010

When Empty Suit Evan Bayh announced his retirment from the Senate a few months ago, I called him an empty suit, although of course it would be better had he stayed and kept the seat for the Dems.  Now, the New York Times has seen fit to give him some of the most valuable space in US journalism to lecture us on why the Democrats took heavy losses in the midterms, and we can see that he’s a not-very-bright empty suit.

His piece was a typical collection of inane Bayh-bromides.  But one thing stood out to me.  Among his suggestions for a Democratic program going forward are:

Democrats should support a freeze on federal hiring and pay increases. Government isn’t a privileged class and cannot be immune to the times.

Now, it’s bad enough that this is absolutely 100% backwards on policy grounds: we’re at double-digit unemployment, so the government shouldn’t hire people?  The cure for a recession is…deflation?

But if that were all, it would be standard inside-the-Beltway idiocy.  The worst thing is his pompous second clause, about the government not being a privileged class.

This is coming from Evan Bayh.  Son of former Senator Birch Bayh (whose record towers over his son’s).  Who went to the St. Albans’ Prep School in Washington DC while his Dad was a Senator.  Who I’m sure had all kinds of problems connecting with powerful people and large campaign contributors when he decided to begin a political career.

We’ve heard idiotic lectures from Bayh before: usually pieces in which he castigates the Dems for not being serious about the deficit and also demands the abolition of the estate tax.  But this is really too much to bear.  At least we won’t have to hear them as much now that he is leaving the Senate.  This pretty much sums up his legacy. Buh-Bayh, moron.

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6 Responses to “Evan Bayh: Empty Suit to the End”

  1. Anniecat says:

    Have most federal civil servants even HAD raises lately? I work for a California court and we have not had raises in about 6 years.

  2. Rob says:

    I doubt this is the last we here from him. My belief is that he’ll become the new Harold Ford Jr.

  3. Quiddity says:

    While I do not like E#van Bayh, back in 2000 I thought he was a better VP choice than Lieberman. I think Bayh could have delivered Indiana and some other states (unlike Lieberman who didn’t help at all in that regard).

    If I’m correct, Gore wins in 2000. Not sure what happens after that (No 9/11? Economic bubble probably still pops No Iraq war), but had Bayh been VP, would he be a more formidable candidate today (or even president)? Interesting trade-off to contemplate.

  4. [...] For example, there’s Senator Evan Bayh, the Democrat from Indiana, offering what he thinks ought to be the Democratic response to the midterm elections: [...]

  5. Barry says:

    IIRC, I had a minor disagreement with Mark Kleiman (?) on this months ago, when the maggot announced his retirement. I took the side that he was garbage, and would always be. Mark wanted to wait and see what he’d do with the freedom which comes from not worrying about reelection.

    I think that I’ve won my argument.

  6. [...] Bayh thinks “Democrats should support a freeze on federal hiring and pay increases. Government [...]