October 16th, 2010

I don’t watch TV at home, which makes experiencing it in airports and hotel lobbies when I travel that much more disorienting.

A couple of nights ago I saw some random Republican talking head on some random cable channel say that Christine O’Donnell had been a boon to the GOP this year, because her over-the-top, telegenic extremist craziness had distracted attention from the less flamboyant extremist craziness of other Republican Senate candidates, like the loon in Wisconsin whose name I can’t currently recall.

Down to the last two weeks, folks. Time to make those phone calls.

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4 Responses to “Hadn’t quite thought of it that way”

  1. wmd says:

    Phone banking sites:
    Organizing for America (DNC)

    Call Out the Vote - PCCC

    I’m using the Progressive Congressional Campaign Committee tool as I get a rash calling for Blue Dogs.
    OFA claims over 745,000 calls today, shooting for a million.

  2. wmd says:

    Moving either or both of my links to your post will make it easier for readers to make some calls.

  3. Alex F says:

    Josh Marshall made
    a similar point a couple weeks ago:

    (It’s just always better to be able to cite liberals for thought-provoking ideas).

  4. JMG says:

    Speaking of “Hadn’t thought of it like that” a friend just sent me a fabulous gag, something I’d love to say to O’Donnell: a typical reverent sketch of Jesus with the caption underneath “IF YOU DON’T SIN then he died for nothing.” I only wish I could put an illustration in the comments.