October 8th, 2010

I don’t like to criticize the Washington Post‘s or other newspapers’ choices of accepted op-ed columns. Like those Harvard rowers in the Facebook movie, I feel some waspish WASPish reticence to make trouble when I would love to appear in the same spot. I make an exception for this.

This is just a terrible, dishonest piece by a writer who has made a career out of producing such things. There is no justification for providing him a platform for yet another thinly-veiled appeal to people’s prejudices and stereotypes.

8 Responses to “Why is the Washington Post publishing Dinesh D’Souza?”

  1. larry birnbaum says:

    D’Souza, of course, is very anxious that someone will mistake HIM for a Luo tribesman.

  2. KLG says:

    It may say “Washington Post” at the top of page one, but it is really the “Kaplan Daily.”

  3. Henry says:

    What puzzles me about D’Souza’s column is his referring to anticolonialism as if it is a bad thing. It doesn’t surprise me that he would support colonialism, but I didn’t think that even the right admits that they do. In his Post column, he writes, “I know about anti-colonialism because I grew up in India in the decades after that country gained its independence from Britain.” Does he really regret that India gained its independence?

  4. Henry says:

    Please disregard the word “even” in the previous comment.

  5. TGGP says:

    Glenn Loury stuck up for anti-colonialism at bloggingheads. But in my opinion he chose terrible examples in support. India would have been a much better one.

  6. Tim says:

    Isn’t this just a rehashing of the NR article? Doesn’t D’Souza’s new book expand the same thesis? I smell a publicist. I have to believe this “op-ed” is actually a paid “advertisement”. It’s shameful that WP would sell it’s op-ed columns like this but I’ve seen the same thing in the NYT. And to be honest, I read both of those papers but give nothing back monetarily. So shame on me as well.

  7. Michael C says:

    Harold, Harold, Harold

    This is the newspaper that helped the Cheney Administration sell its wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan - and is still helping the Cheney claque sell the next war, in Iran. In their heirarchy of handlers and owners, D’Souza is a very low level demon, like Screwtape.

  8. TGGP says:

    Tim, I believe his original article was in Forbes, not NR.
