September 12th, 2010

John Boehner made his mark in Washington by passing out tobacco-industry bribes campaign contribution checks to his fellow Republicans on the floor of the House during the roll-call on a bill to eliminate tobacco subsidies.

His morals haven’t improved in the meantime.

Tell me again why it doesn’t make a difference if the GOP takes the House. I didn’t hear you clearly the first time.

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5 Responses to “The man who would be Speaker”

  1. JMG says:

    If you’re going to keep up with this line of posts, at least bring the funny like Helen has:

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alltop Politics, mbfromhb. mbfromhb said: The man who would be Speaker « The Reality-Based Community [...]

  3. Lee Gottlieb says:

    As far as morals or honesty goes, it doesn’t make a difference whether
    Republicans or Democrats take office, the Democrats lie just as much
    and are as coruptible as the Republicans. Where it does make a
    difference is that the Republicans traditionally have represented the
    wealth of the republic and the Democrats swear that they represent the
    working families. But that’s a lie.

  4. Mark Kleiman says:

    Lee, please describe, in detail, some corrupt action of Speaker Pelosi that you want us to set against Boehner’s passing out tobacco-industry bribes on the floor of the House, so we can judge your claim that there’s no difference between the parties on corruption. “A pox on both your houses” sounds sooooooo sophisticated; David Broder and every stand-up comic who wants a cheap laugh use it all the time. But it’s actually intellectually lazy, self-indulgent b.s.

  5. JR says:

    I don’t hear the vast majority of Democrats saying it doesn’t matter which party rules, though there certainly are some. I think the difference is that you’re putting the responsibility of that question on the Democratic voters whereas others are putting the importance of that question on the Democratic Congressmen asking for those votes. I agree with you that Boehner is a tool, but “not being John Boehner” isn’t a very high standard. We ought to ask more, and we deserve more. Once you’ve hit the “but the republicans are worse!” argument you’ve pretty much hit the bottom of the barrel.